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Account warm-up
Anna avatar
Written by Anna
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Warming up the account is essential for successful account creation. While the proxy changes your location, there are other important factors such as anti-detect browser and site data.

If you're using an anti-detect browser, we suggest Multilogin 6 as it's the best way to protect your data.

Now, to cookies and site data. Often, the problem with the account creation appears due to cookies not being aged enough.

Essentially, when you crawl websites and go to create an account straight away this does not really give any additional legitimacy, since typical users take time before accounts are created.

Most likely the issue behind is that the site still perceives this as a totally new user without any history. From a big-picture perspective, we recommend checking out this guide one of our customers made:

The guide is related to the creation of Gmail accounts, however, it is also useful for other platforms.

In practical terms, you can do the following:

1. Create a profile with a proxy

2. Open the profile do a Google search on various keywords and then click on websites that appear in the Google search

3. Let the profile age for 1-2 day

4. Return after 1-2 days and try to create a profile: always locate the account creation landing page by searching for it on Google/browser, and not typing in the URL bar

This process shows more legitimacy since shows natural user flow.

Additionally, you may also use Cookie Robot, but it's better to take smaller websites, like web stores, blogs, and news portals.

Finally, you can also look into - they provide pre-farmed cookies that you can simply import.

For email, use legitimate ones such as Google or Outlook. Try to avoid temporary emails. The phone number you are using can affect success rates as well. You can check this option:

Different services may have their own nuances, but we hope this guide will help you understand the account creation process.

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