With Pay-As-You-Go you can purchase traffic any time you need it. There is no expiration date for your traffic and no automatic charges. Any remaining traffic from one payment to the next is rolled over.
To purchase Pay-As-You-Go:
Navigate to the Pricing section on your Account page.
Select your desired amount of traffic:
Click on the Buy Traffic Now button
You will be redirected to the Payment Details page.
3. Complete the payment process:
Fill in your payment details and submit.
You will be redirected to your Account page, displaying your subscription details.
4. Review Your Pay-As-You-Go plan details
On your Account page, you will see:
Subscription Plan/Expiration Date: There is no subscription or expiration date for this type of plan
Available Traffic: Your remaining traffic available for use.
Invoices: All your past invoices for reference.
All done! If you have any questions feel free to contact us via chat or email at [email protected]